O projektu

Naša šola je v šolskih letih 2017/18, 2018/19 in 2019/20 sodelovala v Erasmus+ projektu šolska partnerstva z naslovom »Upaj si! Ostani v ravnovesju! Pojdi naprej!«. V partnerstvu še štirih šol iz Poljske, Turčije, Grčije in Nemčije so učenci bogatili znanje na podorčju umetnosti (vizualne, gledališke, fotografske, lutkovne, filmske), na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij, tujih jezikov, zgodovine, geografije, tehnike in logičnega in ustvarjalnega mišljenja. Učenci so v projektu spoznavali nove kulture, tradicije, jezikovne, zgodovinske in geografske značilnosti drugih držav preko izvajanja dejavnosti pri pouku in razširjenem programu ter v izmenjavah učencev med šolami.

Zaključno poročilo. 

Aktivnosti v projektu in rezultate si lahko ogledate v spodnjih prispevkih in na uradni spletni strani projekta:

OŠ dr. Antona Trstenjaka Negova is an elementary school located in the village Negova famous by its castle. Negova lies in the north-eastern part of Slovenia, 150 km from Ljubljana, in the region called Pomurje. Our school is named after the former pupil, later famous Slovenian philosopher, anthropologist, psychologist and theologian Anton Trstenjak, PhD. In the educational plan of the school we develop Trstenjak values: respect, responsibility, attitude towards the environment, fairness, openness, solidarity.
School hosts app. 100 students and 20 staff who are trying to create a friendly and motivating learning environment. Most of our students originate from families with low socio-economic status, with two or more children and many of them are living on farms. Our students can’t afford to travel, so this project is for them a huge opportunity to get in touch with foreign peers and expand the awareness of culture diversity in Europe.
Nine year compulsory school program is held in school for students aged from 6 to 15 in nine grades (the first six years as primary education, the final 3 years as lower secondary education). Our students study English as 1st foreign language from 2nd (age 7 years) to 9th grade and German as 2nd foreign language last three years in school.  Children with specific learning difficulties receive special assistance and support by special need teachers and school counsellor.
There are three cycles of education with different set of compulsory subjects and teaching methods. The curricula includes also Slovenian Language, History, Geography, Mathematics, Technical Education, Arts, Physical Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and elective subjects. The school promotes extra curricula activities as well.
Our school is part of UNESCO school network; it has been titled as a Healthy school and a School of culture and is involved in many other national projects.The headmistress of the school is Slavica Trstenjak. The coordinator of the Erasmus+ project in the school is Mrs. Blanka Mlakar, teacher of maths, special educational needs teacher, school counsellor (blanka.mlakar@guest.arnes.si)

Predstavitev projekta – zloženka

Predstavitev projekta – zloženka

Izdelali smo zloženko za učence, starše in lokalno skupnost, v kateri predstavljamo triletni projekt Erasmus+ štirih evropskih šol z naslovom »Upaj si! Ostani v ravnovesju! Pojdi naprej!«. Zloženko lahko dobite v knjižnici šole ali si jo ogledate tukaj.

Projektni sestanek na Poljskem

Projektni sestanek na Poljskem

Med 24. in 28. oktobrom 2017 je v mestu Wasilkow na Poljskem potekal prvi projektni sestanek za učitelje sodelujočih štirih šol v okviru projekta Erasmus+. Iz naše šole sta se srečanja udeležili koordinatorica projekta na šoli Blanka Mlakar in učiteljica Jerica Golob...

Natečaj Erasmus+ projekta

Natečaj Erasmus+ projekta

Naša šola bo v naslednjih treh šolskih letih (2017-2020) sodelovala v Erasmus+ projektu šolska partnerstva z naslovom »Upaj si! Ostani v ravnovesju! Pojdi naprej!«. V partnerstvu še štirih šol iz Poljske, Turčije, Grčije in Nemčije bodo učenci bogatili znanjena...

(Skupno 1.423 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)